Erin’s House Crisis Response service was designed to be a one-time program to serve schools and community organizations that have experienced a death. A Crisis Response can be tailored to meet the needs of the specific inquiring school or organization including:
Built-in staff-wide education and training on what to expect from a child or teen who is grieving and how to provide meaningful support
Meeting with small groups of students for peer support-based activities addressing topics such as sharing emotions and our memories
Addressing student body or organization as a whole on what grief is and normalization of grief reactions and experiences
Crisis debrief and follow up for school staff or organization personnel
Please allow 48 hours from the time of inquiry submission for our Crisis Response Team to assemble and create your unique crisis curriculum
Please have additional dates/times available in the event that we are unable to commit to your preferred date/time
Please have a designated, quiet place for groups to meet that is free of traffic and disruption
Due to the confidentiality of our peer-support groups and in an effort to cultivate an environment that feels comfortable for sharing, we ask that no school staff are in groups with students as this might inhibit students from sharing openly. Separate peer-support groups can be facilitated for staff only.
If your school or organization is in need of Crisis Response support please click below to fill out a request form
While Erin’s House recognizes the invaluable support our Crisis Response service provides, we strongly encourage schools and organizations to take a proactive approach to support their students and staff in a crisis situation. Erin’s House offers a variety of customizable community training that address a multitude of grief-related topics, all at no cost.
Please visit the Education and Training section of our webpage to learn more.

Questions? Contact us at 260-423-2466 or info@ErinsHouse.org